They are the nobodies, who mean nothing to capital.
Whose lives are worth much less than that of a commodity. Nothing compared to private property. Who may not be called Mahmoud Bakhum, but are still immigrants, from sub-Saharan Africa…
Who may not be murdered, but still drown in the Mediterranean or the Guadalquivir. Those who cross latitudes and hemispheres fleeing from misery, only to flee again in this country, this time from the system鈥檚 mercenaries.
Because their right to exist challenges their right to profit from others. But we, who are also nobodies, refuse to be silent.
We nobodies declare that we will be one, and united, in a single fist, we will strike this system. A system that is at breaking point and that relies on barbarism to survive.
Workers, wherever you come from, unite against the collapse! Because we are the ones who will build a new world.
Let’s stand against racist capitalism, for the sake of Mahmoud and for everyone!